This twenty-year-old is ready to conquer the world. Sort of.
Let me conquer the City of Lights first.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

'til you drop

One of the most fun things about getting ready to go abroad is the incredible amount of shopping that I must do.

It works like this: my mother has decided that since I'm leaving for six months, this is an opportune time for me to get rid of clothes, shoes, belts - basically anything and everything - that I don't need... Apparently, it doesn't matter that I spent Summer 2005 trying to complete this very task.

The new twist is that she gives me various gift cards (which have been oh-so-popular this holiday season) that I am free to spend to "update my wardrobe". ["Gift card sales were expected to hit more than $18 billion this holiday season — 6.6 percent higher than a year earlier" says an article in The Ithaca Journal.] I am A-okay with this part.

The must-get item for this week is comfortable walking shoes. I now direct your attention to the photo to the above left.

I found these boots at The Maxx (which apparently doesn't have its own website - probably the only thing around that doesn't have a website - but is an offshoot of TJ Maxx and sells only accessories and shoes). They were on sale for $40 and looked like just the thing a young, chic European female would own... Plus they are a step up from my other shoes which my sister is modeling in the picture on the right.

And yes, they don't look like the comfortable-est (I know it's not a word) of shoes, but I guess I'll just have to work on that next week.


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