So, what's funny about this reply is that I think this person was mentioned in the
first reply I received... She talks about her boyfriend and how that helped her meet locals. The first person talked about how their roommate had a boyfriend and that helped them meet locals...
Hello. For your first set of questions: I lived in an apartment provided by cea. The apartment was nice and came with a bed and bedding, pots pans, dishes, etc. The apartment I had was nice and it wasn't too far from centre ville and the universite. I lived with other Cea students who became my closets friends while I was in Grenoble. As for meeting locals, i meet locals in 3 ways: I put up a sign saying i was looking for a language exchange partner and like that i met several french students, 2) When i was out at bars I met people, and generally when they found out I was American they were thrilled to talk to me, 3) I met a french guy who became my boyfriend and through him I met his friends and was able to hang out with even more french people.
second set of questions: I studied at the universite de Grenoble so I dont know how classes are at the other school. The business program is brand new and this spring will be the first semester it is put into action. But I found the scheduling of classes to be different. But overall I didnt think there was a big difference between the american and french styles of teaching. Because I was studying only the language plus french electives in french it was hard at first. Since everything was in french it was mentally exhausting at first, but eventually my level in french got better and it became easier.
third set of questions: Theres a good nightlife in grenoble. There are lots of bars where students, american, french and foreigners alike go. In the very beginning I went out with other people from cea. Then once I started to meet other students in my classes, my nights out were multi-national. Which is great because then you have the chance to learn a bit about other cultures. There are things to do in Grenoble. They have a mall ( centre de commerce) that is only a short bus or tram ride away. Then theres walking around centre-ville which nice since the scenery is such a contrast to america. Plus the night life if fun. Grenoble is less than 2hrs away from Geneva Switzerland by train, so you can always hop on a train and go visit la Suise for a weekend. Its only a 3 hr train ride to Paris, and from Paris you can go anywhere in Europe you want.
I hope I have answered all your questions. If you have any more, don't hesitate to ask me.
bonne chance!!!
Jill M
p.s. just a little bit of extra information. I'm still in contact with several of the friends I met through CEA and in Grenoble. I'm working for a year in the Haute-Loire which isnt too far from Grenoble, and pretty much every weekend I return to Grenoble to visit my boyfriend, and my other french friends. And this winter I will be going to Africa to visit an old CEA roommate of mine who works in the peace corps.
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